Així és com tu dius, així com tu dius és; així com tu dius, és, així tu dius com és. 'It is as you say (the four times with the same meaning, just with different word order).'
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Una bruixa ben embruixada, qui la desembruixarà? El desembruixador que la desembruixi, un bon desembruixador serà. Jo la desembruixaré, perquè sé desembruixar molt bé.
'A very well bewitched witch, who will disenchant her? The disenchanter who disenchants her will be a good disenchanter. I will disenchant her, because I know very well how to disenchant someone.'
Reveal the word
Una gallina xica, tica, mica,
camacurta i ballarica
va tenir sis fills xics, tics, mics,
camacurts i ballarics.
Si la gallina no hagués estat xica, tica, mica,
camacurta i ballarica,
els sis fills no haurien estat xics, tics, mics,
camacurts i ballarics.
'A little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing hen,
had six little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing children.
If the hen had not been a little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing hen,
the six children would not have been little, tittle, mittle,
short-legged and dancing children.'
Tica & mica or tics & mics are meaniingless word that rhyme with others in the tongue twister; thus, they have been translated as meaningless words rhyming with the English translations of the Catalan references.
Reveal the word
El lleig de l'Aleix té un empatx i llegeix baix.
'The ugly Aleix has an indigestion and reads quietly.'
Reveal the word
En Pinxo va dir a en Panxo: "Vols que et punxi amb un punxó?" I en Panxo va dir a en Pinxo: "Punxa'm, però a la panxa no".
'Pinxo said to Panxo: “Do you want me to prick you with a punch?” And Panxo said to Pinxo: “Prick me, but not in the belly.”'