Prenc galetes i un flam petit. 'I’m having some biscuits and a small crème caramel.' Reveal the word 0 0 0
El Josep s'ha comprat una camisa i la Rosa una brusa. 'Josep has bought a shirt and Rosa a blouse.' Reveal the word 0
En aquell alberg gran hi havia un llit dur. 'There was a hard bed in that big refuge.' Reveal the word 0
El mercat dels divendres es fa a la plaça del casal. 'The Friday market is going to be on the square of the cultural center.' Reveal the word 0
Les oques es van quedar prop de les soques dels arbres. 'The geese stayed close to the trunks of the trees.' Reveal the word 0
Com que és un xic gandul no ha fet res. 'Since he is a little lazy he hasn’t done a thing.' Reveal the word 0 0 0 0