Tants caps, tants barrets 'this number of heads, same number of hats' Reveal the word 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A gust estragat el dolç li és amarg. 'To the spoiled taste the sweet seems bitter to him.' Reveal the word 0 0 0 0
Tant se valen naps com cols. 'It doesn’t matter if there are turnips or cabbages - It doesn’t matter if there is one thing or another.' Reveal the word 0 0 0 0
Entre poc i massa la mesura passa. 'The measure passes between little and too much.' Reveal the word 0
El secret de l'Ametller tots a la fi el van saber. 'Everybody got to know the secret of the Ametller (the saying means that secrets are very difficult to keep and that in the end everybody gets to know them).' Reveal the word 0