Els avis indicats són savis sindicats. Els savis indicats són avis sindicats. 'The right grandparents are wise unionized men. The right wise men are unionized grandparents'
Reveal the word
Reveal the word
Una gallina xica, tica, mica, camacurta i ballarica va tenir sis fills xics, tics, mics, camacurts i ballarics. Si la gallina no hagués estat xica, tica, mica, camacurta i ballarica, els sis fills no haurien estat xics, tics, mics, camacurts i ballarics. 'There's a tiny, short-legged dancing hen, who had six tiny, short-legged dancing children. Wasn't the hen tiny, short-legged dancing, the six children wouldn't have been tiny, short-legged and dancers.'
Reveal the word
Tinc una gana, una son i una set, que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec, si menjava, dormia i bevia, la gana, la son i la set em passarien; però com que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec, no em passa ni la gana, ni la son, ni la set. 'I'm so hungry, so sleepy and so thirsty that I don't eat, or sleep, or drink. If I ate, slept and drank, I wouldn't be hungry, sleepy or thirsty anymore, but since I don't eat, or sleep, or drink, I'm still hungry and sleepy and thirsty.'