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Una gallina...

Reveal the word

Una gallina xica, tica, mica, camacurta i ballarica va tenir sis fills xics, tics, mics, camacurts i ballarics. Si la gallina no hagués estat xica, tica, mica, camacurta i ballarica, els sis fills no haurien estat xics, tics, mics, camacurts i ballarics. 'There's a tiny, short-legged dancing hen, who had six tiny, short-legged dancing children. Wasn't the hen tiny, short-legged dancing, the six children wouldn't have been tiny, short-legged and dancers.'


Tinc una son...

Reveal the word

Tinc una gana, una son i una set, que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec, si menjava, dormia i bevia, la gana, la son i la set em passarien; però com que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec, no em passa ni la gana, ni la son, ni la set. 'I'm so hungry, so sleepy and so thirsty that I don't eat, or sleep, or drink. If I ate, slept and drank, I wouldn't be hungry, sleepy or thirsty anymore, but since I don't eat, or sleep, or drink, I'm still hungry and sleepy and thirsty.'