L'Anna no surt de casa perquè està malalta. 'Anna doesn't leave the house because she's sick.' Reveal the word 0
Els meus avis diuen que a la muntanya del davant hi vivien vells savis en temps immemorials. 'My grandparents say that in that mountain used to live some wise people in ancient times.' Reveal the word 0
Estava tan cansada que no va poder anar al sopar de classe. 'She was so tired she couldn't go to the school dinner.' Reveal the word 0
Quina passada! Aquesta cascada deu fer ben bé uns cent metres d'alçada. 'Oh my God! This waterfall must be a hundred meters high.' Reveal the word 0
Després de plovisquejar tota la tarda, va sortir l'arc de Sant Martí. 'After raining the whole afternoon, there was a rainbow.' Reveal the word 0
Per Sant Joan farem una foguera ben alta i tirarem molts petards. 'For Sant Joan we'll light a great fire and lots of firecrackers.' Reveal the word 0
No sap el que es perd, si no va a caçar senglars. 'He doesn't know what he's missing, if he doesn't hunt wild boars.' Reveal the word 0
A vegades no sé si m'enganyes o em parles seriosament. 'Sometimes I don't know whether you're pulling my leg or speak seriously.' Reveal the word 0
La ventada va emportar-se la teulada d'unes trenta cases. 'The wind took the roof of approximately thirty houses.' Reveal the word 0