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Listen and repeat the audio and / or video from below:


Reveal the word

Inhale and exhale three times, breathing out smoothly. Move the tongue closer to the bottom of your mouth, leaving it relaxed. With this position, exhale as if you were admiring a beautiful landscape.

Listen to the word car in American English and the word car in Catalan. It may help you to pronounce the vowel [a] uttering car more briefly. Look at this video. Do the same with the word bar in American English and in Catalan. Watch the video.


Contrast I

Reveal the word

Listen to the difference between the highlighted sounds:

  • pas 'step' - pass
  • van 'go' - van
  • tap 'cap' - tap
  • gras 'fatty' - grass
  • nat 'born' - nut

Contrast II

Reveal the word

Listen to the difference between the highlighted sounds:

  • vas 'glass' - bus
  • sac 'sack' - sack
  • fan 'fan' - fan
  • sant 'holy' - sun
  • camp 'country' - cam


Reveal the word

Listen carefully to the following words. Pay attention to all the sounds in them, especially the one you're practising.