Jo no sé què tinc que a les cinc tinc son. 'I don't know what I have that at five I am sleepy.' Reveal the word 0
Fa fred, l'àvia fa foc, el foc fa fum, fa fred però el foc i el fum faran l'hivern més curt. 'It’s cold, grandmother makes fire, fire makes smoke; it’s cold but fire and smoke will make winter shorter.' Reveal the word 0
Un pam, dos pams, tres pams, quatre pams, cinc pams 'one handspan, two handspan, three handspan, four handspan' Reveal the word 0
Quan la patum fa patam, nosaltres patim. 'When the patum explodes we suffer (patum is a historic festivity of Berga).' Reveal the word 0