Si vas a beure a la font, emporta't un got. 'If you go to drink at the fountain, take a glass with you.' Reveal the word 0
El jugador més fort va fer un gol decisiu 'The strongest player made the decisive goal.' Reveal the word 0
Damunt del moble té una olla que fa de guardiola. 'The moneybox is on the furniture.' Reveal the word 0
Diu que si viu sola no fa nosa a ningú. 'She says that if the lives on her own the won’t disturb anybody.' Reveal the word 0
Aquell os és d'un animal mort fa molts anys. 'This bone is from an animal which has died a long time ago.' Reveal the word 0
No podeu treure la pilota fins que sigui l'hora. 'You cannot take out the ball until its time.' Reveal the word 0
Mira l'hora al seu rellotge perquè el teu no va bé. 'Look at the time at his watch because yours is not correct.' Reveal the word 0