Els formatges de Nadal són els millors de tot l'any. 'Christmas cheeses are the best of the year.' Reveal the word 0
Nadal nevat, maig regalat. 'When it snows for Christmas, May is so good (for the fields).' Reveal the word 0
Amb una poma cada dia, els metges s'estalviaria. 'With a daily apple, doctors wouldn't be needed.' Reveal the word 0
Sant Eloi quan era xic era noi, de mitjà va ésser manyà, de mitjancer va ésser serraller i de gran va ésser sant. 'Saint Eloi was boy when he was a child, locksmith assistant when he was a teen, locksmith when he was a young man and saint when he was an adult.' Reveal the word 0
Novembre tronat, mal pel pastor i pitjor pel ramat. 'Stormy November, bad for the shepherd and worse for the flock.' Reveal the word 0
Qui plega fosc no trepitja el most. 'Who leaves work when it's dark doesn't crush the must.' Reveal the word 0