Ves a dormir d'hora i lleva't de matí si riquesa i salut vols tenir. 'Go to sleep early and get up early too if you want wealth and health.' Reveal the word 0
Val més que diguin aquí ha marxat un covard que no aquí ha mort un valent. 'It's better to say a coward has run away here than a brave man has died here.' Reveal the word 0
Amb bombo d'altre, bones maçades 'with another's bass drum, strong blows (when something is not yours, you just don't care).' Reveal the word 0
A Batea el parrellat, que és un vi que no emborratxa. 'In Batea parrellat, which is a wine that doesn't make you drunk.' Reveal the word 0
Val més un glop de negre, que tot el que baixa pel Segre. 'It's better a sip of red wine than all what goes down the Segre (river).' Reveal the word 0
Un bon dinar fa de bon esperar. 'If the lunch is good there's no problem to wait for it.' Reveal the word 0
Val més un que sap que tres que cerquen. 'It's better someone who knows than three who are seeking.' Reveal the word 0
Avorrir-se i envellir és el pitjor que et pot succeir. 'To be bored and get older is the worse that can happen to you.' Reveal the word 0