El bandit del bàndol blanc porta a la banderola un bonic banderí blau. 'The bandit of the white side carries on his barrer a pretty blue pennant.' Reveal the word 0
Un banquer va anar a un banquet i va seure en un banc blanc. 'A banker went to a banquet and sat on a white bench.' Reveal the word 0
Visc al bosc i busco vesc i visc del vesc que busco al bosc. 'I live in the woods and I look for mistletoe and I live by the mistletoe that I look for in the woods.' Reveal the word 0
No vull bull, quan el bull bull. 'I don't want boiled thick pork sausage, when it's boiling.' Reveal the word 0
L'estiba que estova l'Esteve no és tova ni és teva, ni estava a l'estiba. 'The pile that Esteve softens isn't soft nor yours, nor was it in the pile.' Reveal the word 0
Qui roba una arrova de roba no roba l'arrova sinó que roba la roba. 'Who steals 25 pounds of clothes doesn't steal the 25 pounds but steals the clothes.' Reveal the word 0