Així és com tu dius. Així com dius tu és. Així com tu dius és. Així tu dius com és. 'That's how you say it. How you say it, it is. It's how you say it. You say it's this way.' Reveal the word 0
Diu qui, diu jo, diu sí, diu tu, diu qui, diu jo, diu no, diu tu, diu Ah! 'He says "who?", says "I?", says "yes", says "you", says "who?", says "I?", says "no", says "you", says "Ah!".' Reveal the word 0
Duc com puc un ruc a un duc rus mut. 'I carry as I can a donkey to a mute Russian duke.' Reveal the word 0
Duc pa sec al sac, m'assec on soc i el suco amb suc. 'I carry dried bread in a bag, I sit down where I am and dip it in some juice.' Reveal the word 0