Què t'ha dit, què t'ha dut, què t'ha dat en Bernat? 'What has Bernat said, brought and given to you?' Reveal the word 0
En un pot no pot haver-hi hagut vi bo del fort sense un embut. 'In a can can't have had strong wine without a funnel.' Reveal the word 0
Una boteta tota rodoneta, té vi, vi té, té tap, tap té, té tap i tapó, tap i tapó té. 'A little round wine barrel has wine, wine has, has cork, cork has, has cork and little cork, little cork and cork has.' Reveal the word 0
Tinc cinc fills tísics i prims, i amics íntims vint-i-cinc. 'I have five slim sons with tuberculosis, and twenty-five close friends.' Reveal the word 0
En el Trapezi de Trípoli treballen tristament trastocats tres tristos trompeters. 'There are three unfortunately crazy sad trumpet players working in the Trapezium in Tripoli.' Reveal the word 0