Va seguir la cavalcada des del balcó de casa seva. 'He followed the parade from the balcony of his house.' Reveal the word 0
Que fi que fa el cafè el cafeter Delfí. 'Delfí the coffee-maker makes a really soft coffee.' Reveal the word 0
Congre amb canya i canya amb congre i congre amb canya. 'Cake with cane and cane with cake and cake with cane.' Reveal the word 0
Ara que s'acosta la calor, compra un biquini, fica'l al cabàs i cap a la costa! 'Now that's getting hot, just buy a bikini, put it on the wicker basket and let's go to the coast!' Reveal the word 0
Al Quebec es va al revés: els cangurs canten i les cacatues salten. 'In Qebec it's the other way round: kangaroos sing and cockatoo jump.' Reveal the word 0
Quina calor que fa en aquesta cuina amb el foc encès! 'It's so hot in this kitchen when the burner is lit.' Reveal the word 0
Quan he sortit al carrer he tancat la porta sense agafar les claus i ara estic a les escales. 'After leaving home I've closed the door without taking the keys and now I'm at the stairs.' Reveal the word 0
Duia un home dins el sac un feix de bacallà sec quan, traient-ne un gros pessic, tot exclamant: ''Jo amo en soc!'' prompte va fer-se el suc. 'A man was carrying in his sack a bundle of dried cod, when, taking a large pinch of it out, He shouted: -I am the owner!- and then He made some sauce.' Reveal the word 0