Hauríem de dir la veritat, sempre, i els altres deixarien de ser-nos una nosa. (Joaquim Amat i Piniella) 'We should tell the truth, always, and the others would stop being a nuisance.' (Joaquim Amat i Pinella) Reveal the word 0
Si dubtes de tu mateix, estàs derrotat d'entrada. (Henry Ibsen) 'If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground.' (Henry Ibsen) Reveal the word 0
Els diners de vegades resulten massa cars. (Emerson) 'Money often costs too much.' (Emerson) Reveal the word 0
És molt més difícil descriure que opinar. Infinitament més. En vistes de la qual cosa tothom opina. (Josep Pla) It's much more difficult describing than giving an opinion. Infinitely more. That's why everyone is giving their opinion.' (Josep Pla) Reveal the word 0
Perdonar no és oblidar, i en el perdó sense oblit hi sobren paraules i hi falta cor. (Proverbi alemany) 'Forgiven is not forgotten, and in what's forgiven and not forgotten there are too many words and not enough heart.' (German proverb) Reveal the word 0