Ésser un orgue de gats 'There was an organ of cats'

Reveal the word

Hom explica que, en un poble, volien celebrar un gran ofici de festa major, i no tenien orgue. Un veí molt enginyós es proposà improvisar-ne un. Omplí de gats una caixa i els lligà un cordill a la cua, i, a la punta d'aquesta, hi lligà una fusteta que feia l'ofici de tecla. En tocar el teclat, els fils estiraven la cua dels gats, i aquests miolaven. El desconcert i l'avalot que va produir-se, hom ja se'l pot suposar. (Amades, 1982, I:1134-35)

'There was an organ of cats

People tell that in a village they wanted to celebrate a feast, but they didn’t have an organ. A very creative inhabitant proposed to improvise one. He filled one box with cats and tied their tails with a cord and at the end of this cord, he fixed a piece of wood which worked as a key. In touching the keyboard, the cords pulled the cat’s tails and these meowed. Everybody can imagine the chaos and the sounds that were produced.'