Articulation [ɳ]
Reveal the word
Pronounce slowly the following word: triangle ‘triangle’.
Pay attention to every sound that forms part of the word, when you say it. Repeat the exercise two or three times. Now stop before you pronounce the sounds that follows the sound “n”. Observe that when you utter the word triangle you do not put the tip of the tongue on the alveoli like if you uttered the word neu ‘snow’. Actually, since directly after the “n” we utter the “g” –like gat ‘cat’– the tongue takes a position like if we wanted to utter a [k], even though this time the sound is voiced. Repeat the exercise another time paying attention in the sonority of the sound, as you have to preserve it when you evade saying the syllable that comes after the “n”.
Repeat the exercise with the following words: tango ‘tango’, sanguini ‘blood’, sanglot ‘sob’, rectangle ‘rectangle’